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Roddy Offers Buys Houses Reviews

Read testimonials and reviews from actual customers that we've helped.

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Homeowner in Waxahachie was selling house since the current family in the house was moving to a newly built home. The closing date was quickly approaching. The house was purchased and seller received his cash within two weeks. Jim agreed to the purchase price and also agreed to provide a moving service for the family. When the closing date for the new home was postponed, the family was allowed to stay an additional time with no extra cost. Joseph R

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My Father lived in DFW area and had to move out of the home he had lived in for a long time. I lived in California and was working long hours. I had neglected selling the house and when I was contacted by Jim's associate to purchase the house it was perfect timing. We easily agreed on a fair price over the phone and within days, I had received the funds for the house and land. All outstanding debts and taxes had been cleared. All paperwork was completed quickly and I never had to leave California. Emile H.

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I was appointed administrator of my cousin's estate after he died with no will. All of my time was being taken up dealing with legal issues and preparing the house to be sold. The house was not in the best condition and was over two hours away. Jim helped with getting the house cleaned up and accepted the price I asked for the house without any further negotiations. Jim took care of all the sales paperwork and I was able to spend my time on settling the affairs of the estate. Grady V.